The Java Moss plant is eaten by aquarium fish, shrimp, snails, crustaceans, mollusks, aquarium crabs, and other bottom dwellers that graze on the aquatic plants in an aquarium. However, there are some aquarium fish like cichlids and angelfish that may just bite the Java Moss plant but not eat it.
Let’s now understand why aquatic pets eat Java Moss?
Main Reasons Aquatic Pets Eat Java Moss
The Java Moss plant creates a beautiful dense underwater forest-like environment that enhances an aquarium’s aesthetic appeal and eliminates unwanted toxins that can create problems for the aquatic pets.
The moss plant is recommended for many fish species as it replicates their natural habitat in the aquarium.
Given below are the main reasons why aquatic pets eat Java Moss.
Primary Food Source
The Java Moss plant is a primary food source for many aquarium inhabitants.
In addition, it provides shelter to many crustaceans, mollusks, and fish.
Crustaceans like Amino Shrimp, Cherry Shrimp, Grass Shrimp, and Crayfish seek refuge and munch on the leaves of the moss plant.
Moreover, Apple Snails love to devour Java Moss in particular.
So besides providing shelter, the Java Moss plant also provides the necessary nutrition and is loved by the bottom dwellers.
Natural Spawning Ground
Many aquarium inhabitants use Java Moss for laying eggs and sheltering their hatchlings.
Once the eggs hatch and the larvae lose the yolk sacs, they depend on the microbial colonies present on the moss leaves as their primary food source.
They also munch on the tender leaves of the moss plant for nutrition.
So the Java Moss plant shelters the eggs and newborns and provides them with the required nutrition in the initial stages of their life.
Aggressive Behavior
Many large and aggressive fish are territorial and can’t tolerate other fish in their territory.
So many aquarists add aquatic plants and other decors to create territories.
Unfortunately, these aggressive fish can be highly destructive and uproot the plant.
So some aquarists use Java Moss plants as they don’t have roots and attach to any object.
Although an aggressive fish won’t be able to uproot the moss plant, it will bite off the leaves without any intention to eat them.
Do Cichlids Eat Java Moss?
Cichlids don’t eat Java Moss because they don’t perceive it as food. They may just nibble the Java Moss plant a bit. Moreover, cichlids are aggressive fish and are accustomed to uprooting aquarium plants. However, as Java Moss attaches itself and is not rooted, it can survive in a cichlid aquarium.
Moreover, Java Moss is excellent at adapting to different lighting intensities and varying temperature ranges.
It’s also hardy and can survive challenging water conditions like cichlids.
So it’s safe to add Java Moss to your cichlid tank. As the Java Moss plant is hardy, it will survive and spread in your aquarium.
Do Shrimp Eat Java Moss?
Shrimp eat Java Moss. The Java Moss plant grows into a dense forest-like environment providing ideal living conditions for tiny living organisms that the shrimp devour. Besides providing shelter and food, it also acts as an instant food source for the shrimp when food becomes scarce.
The Java Moss plant is a perfect companion for shrimp.
This plant can easily survive a wide range of temperature and water conditions.
In addition, it provides suitable conditions for the shrimp to grow.
Shrimp are highly vulnerable and can get stressed when exposed to large fish species.
So they seek refuge inside the dense moss plant as it provides them food and shelter.
Do Crayfish Eat Java Moss?
Crayfish eat Java Moss. They are omnivores and feed on living and decomposing animals, plants, and detritus. Captive crayfish can be served live and packaged fish, shrimp, worms, and insects, as well as frozen peas, carrot chunks, broccoli stems, and other decomposing grass and leaves.
Crayfish are small freshwater crustaceans that inhabit brooks, streams, swamps, ditches, and paddy fields.
They feed on algae, detritus, insects, and other invertebrates.
Crayfish live off a wide variety of food in the wild, including fish, shrimp, plankton, algae, worms, bugs, and decaying vegetation.
These crustaceans are surprisingly easy to raise using vegetable scraps from the house kitchen.
Moreover, crayfish can cut down waste as they readily eat leftover food.
Do Angelfish Eat Java Moss?
Angelfish don’t eat Java Moss. They forage on the floor of their natural habitat for crustaceans, insects, larvae, worms, and small fish. As omnivores, they eat algae and plant matter rich in protein and fiber. However, angelfish like Java Moss as it provides them shelter and safe spawning ground.
Angelfish are native to the tropical waters of South America.
They inhabit the slow-moving waters of the Amazon river system and prefer waters covered with dense overhanging vegetation or water filled with tree debris.
Angelfish use the Java Moss plant for refuge and shelter. This plant protects them from predators and helps to ambush their prey.
It’s best to feed angelfish live prey to satiate their nutrition requirement.
Tubifex worms are an excellent option as they contain high protein.
Besides, brine shrimp and water fleas should also be a part of their diet.
However, aquarists have often seen their angelfish nibble aquatic plants.
It’s not necessarily to eat them as angelfish is used to nibbling plant leaves for no reason.
Do Betta Fish Eat Java Moss?
Betta fish don’t eat Java Moss as they’re carnivores. Instead, they eat tiny creatures like brine shrimp, bloodworms, daphnia, mosquito larvae, and worms in the wild. However, Java Moss can benefit the bettas by providing them shelter and mimicking their natural habitat.
The Java Moss plant is the most popular aquarium plant for keeping bettas.
It’s easy to grow and provides an excellent habitat for the betta fish.
This plant also helps to keep the fish tank clean and free from harmful bacterial infections.
In addition, the moss plant eliminates toxic nitrates and phosphates from the water as a decomposer.
Moreover, the moss plant will keep your betta fish amused.
It will grow and create a dense jungle-like environment that the bettas will love to swim through and seek shelter when required.
The Java Moss plant is also a better option than a fake plant.
Unlike fake plants, the soft and non-obtrusive leaves of the Java Moss will not harm the fish while swimming through them.