In this article, we will be introducing you to 10 freshwater invertebrates that are suitable for tropical and coldwater aquariums.
These creatures are often overlooked, but they play an essential role in maintaining a balanced ecosystem in your aquarium. They also add a unique aesthetic appeal with their vibrant colors and interesting forms.
Whether you’re a seasoned aquarium enthusiast or a beginner, this guide will help you diversify your tank with unique species. Let’s dive in and learn more about these incredible creatures.
Freshwater Tropical Invertebrates
Here are ten freshwater tropical invertebrates that could be an excellent fit for your aquarium.
Ghost Shrimp

Ghost shrimp are tiny creatures that only grow only up to 2 inches. They have a body that is divided into segments and are almost see-through, with the exception of a colored spot on their tails.
Ghost shrimp gentle and have ten pairs of legs, making them unique pets for an aquarium. However, they need to be kept with peaceful fish as they can easily be hurt by aggressive ones.
This is why many aquarists often provide a separate 10-gallon tank just for their ghost shrimp to avoid them being attacked. On the other hand, some aquarists use these shrimp as food for their fish.
These shrimp eat almost everything in the tank. They use their tiny claws to grab their food, which can be waste, algae, or any type of live, frozen, or pre-made food. This makes them excellent at cleaning up the tank.
Ramshorn Snail

Ramshorn snail is a unique snail that has a shell shaped like a ram’s horn. Its color is calm, cool gold or cream.
This snail thrives in water that’s between 70°F and 85°F and it can grow up to 2 inches long.
What’s really fascinating about this snail is that it breathes air, unlike most other aquatic creatures. It has a special tube called a siphon that it extends out of the water to breathe.
Because of this, if you’re keeping this snail in your aquarium, you need to make sure there’s a few inches of empty space above the water level for it to breathe.
Also, this snail is beneficial for aquariums because it helps clean up debris. This makes it a helpful companion for your fish tank.
Freshwater Clams

Freshwater clams are small creatures that originate from Asia. They can grow up to 2 inches when you keep them in a home fish tank.
They have brown and black stripes and spend a lot of their time eating in a specific way called “filter feeding”. This is good for your fish tank because it helps to keep it clean.
Freshwater clams eat tiny particles and any leftover food that is floating in the water, which helps to lower nitrate levels. Nitrate is a substance that can be harmful to fish if there’s too much of it in the water.
These clams can live in water that is between 68°F to 85°F and they’re peaceful creatures.
Singapore Flower Shrimp

The Singapore flower shrimp, also known as bamboo shrimp, is a red shrimp from Asia. It’s a wonderful creature that can grow up to nearly 4 inches when kept in a home fish tank.
What’s special about this shrimp is its ability to change colors rapidly based on the colors around it.
You would need a fish tank larger than 10 gallons to keep a Singapore flower shrimp.
These shrimps are great for your aquarium as they help clean it. They have special fan-like structures on their legs that they use to filter and eat the waste in the tank.
Freshwater Coldwater Invertebrates
Now let’s take a look at the freshwater coldwater invertebrates.
Nerite Snail

The nerite snail is a snail that can help keep your fish tank clean. It’s easy to spot because it has a shell with stripes that look like a tiger’s.
However, you must be careful when you first add them to your tank. The tank needs to be cycled and free of harmful substances in the water, which can make them sick.
To keep them healthy, their diet should include calcium. This helps keep their shells strong.
As for the tank’s temperature, these snails can live comfortably in water that’s between 65°F and 80°F.
These snails are known to escape from the tank, so you’ll need a lid that fits well to prevent this. Also, if they get out and dry up, they could die.
And one last thing – if you’re hoping for baby snails, know that nerite snails only breed in water that’s a mix of fresh and salt water, known as brackish water.
Red Cherry Shrimp

The red cherry shrimp is a vibrant, bright red invertebrate that can make your fish tank look really colorful and lively.
This shrimp likes living in an aquarium that has similar conditions to a community tank, but with a lot of water movement. When they become adults, they usually grow to be about one and a half inches long.
Red cherry shrimp love to eat algae and enjoy having live plants in the tank, which they also feed on. Moreover, they’re great at cleaning parts of the tank that are hard to get to.
Trapdoor Snails

Trapdoor snails are really helpful in keeping your fish tank clean as they eat debris and algae. However, you have to ensure that they’re kept in tanks without any aggressive fish that might try to harm them.
These snails can survive in water with a pH of 6.5 to 8.4. The water temperature should be between 65°F to 82°F.
If the water gets colder than this ideal temperature, these snails will go into hibernation. So be careful.
Fiddler Crabs

Fiddler crabs are really calm crabs and don’t grow very big – just about 2 inches long.
They usually stay at the bottom of the tank, always looking for food in small hidden spots.
Red-clawed Crabs

Red-clawed crabs have a life span of about 4 years and can grow up to one and a half inches long. And they really do well in cold, slightly salty water.
These crabs aren’t picky eaters, they will eat anything you put in their tank.
One important thing to note is that they’re very good at escaping the tank. So it’s crucial to have a lid that fits tightly on their tank to prevent them from getting out.
Recommended Further Reading: 47 Popular Fish for Freshwater Fish Tanks
Florida Blue Crayfish

The Florida blue crayfish is a really fascinating creature that has a mix of blue and gray colors. It can survive in cool temperatures, even as low as 50°F.
If you’re planning to keep one as a pet, it’s best to have it in a tank with no other species. This is because the crayfish could be eaten by other creatures, or it might eat them.
When crayfish change their shells, a process called molting, they’re vulnerable.
Also, these crayfish are surprisingly good at climbing. So, it’s crucial to have a secure lid on your aquarium to prevent them from climbing out.