You can feed fish if they are eating during ich treatment. However, if they aren’t eating, feeding should be avoided. Trying to feed them can create stress and pollute the water if the uneaten food isn’t removed. Instead, you can relax the fish by increasing the water temperature and providing a conducive environment.
Reasons You Shouldn’t Feed Fish While Treating for Ich Disease
Generally, it’s fine to feed your fish while they are undergoing a course of treatment.
However, fish don’t prefer to eat during ich treatment.
If the infected fish is very ill and doesn’t consume anything, it’s best to stop feeding until it recovers and starts eating again.
Trying to feed the fish purposely can do more harm than good.
Given below are the main reasons why you should stop feeding the infected fish while treating for ich.
The Fish Is in Distress
Ich distresses fish as the white spots on their bodies are itchy and irritate them.
Fish can get agitated while trying to eradicate these parasites.
The parasites also affect the gills of fish, which may lead to suffocation and stress.
Stress weakens their immune system and reduces their ability to fight off infections.
Feeding fish while treating ich could cause further stress.
Most of the time, the infected fish loses its appetite and refuses to eat.
It prefers to hide away from other fish or even swim around aimlessly.
You should treat your fish immediately when you notice any signs of distress.
Uneaten Food Can Pollute the Water
Since the fish don’t prefer to eat while undergoing treatment for ich, the food offered doesn’t get consumed often.
Uneaten fish food releases toxic nitrite and ammonia as it decomposes.
This can contaminate the tank water with harmful bacteria that can be fatal to the fish.
Polluted water makes your fish even more sick and vulnerable to diseases.
Other Fish Can Get Affected Due to The Polluted Water
Apart from the infected fish, other tank inhabitants can also get affected when the water gets contaminated.
Pollutants like nitrites and ammonia damage the gills of healthy fish and cause respiratory problems.
This results in a loss of appetite and reduced growth rate in other fish.
Delay in Recovery
Another reason why you shouldn’t feed your fish while treating for ich is that the food may interfere with their recovery.
Giving food to fish at this time may disturb their natural healing process.
It’s better to keep your fish calm and relaxed during the treatment.
What Should You Do Instead of Feeding Your Fish During Ich Treatment?

Fish suffering from ich need adequate care and monitoring.
If you suspect your fish has an infection, you must take immediate action.
Since the infected fish loses its appetite, you must ensure that it doesn’t become too weak.
So it’s essential to monitor the condition of the fish closely.
You can do the following things to provide relief to the infected fish so that it can fight ich.
Quarantine the Fish
Ich disease is highly contagious. It can spread rapidly to other fish.
If you suspect your fish has been exposed to ich, quarantine it in an isolated tank until it recovers completely.
Don’t mix new fish with the infected one. This will help prevent the spreading of the infection.
Increase the Water Temperature
Ich can take a heavy toll on the infected fish’s body. As the fish isn’t eating its meals, it starts becoming weak.
Hence, it’s crucial to take appropriate care of your fish.
You can raise the water temperature of your tank to the highest temperature your fish can handle.
Higher temperatures increase the rate at which ich develops, allowing you to eliminate it faster and provide relief to the fish.
However, ensure that you gradually increase the temperature so that your fish don’t suffer heat shock.
Provide Stress-Free Environment
Fish need a conducive environment to thrive and recover.
Hence, providing a peaceful and quiet environment for your fish is vital.
Controlling stress reduces the severity of symptoms and speed up recovery.
You can provide a stress-free environment to the infected fish by keeping the aquarium clean and maintaining the water quality.
Take Medical Assistance
Ich is a severe condition. If left untreated, it leads to the demise of the fish.
So it’s best to seek professional advice before taking any action.
The sooner you seek medical attention; the better are the chances of curing your fish.