Tetras cannot live alone. They are schooling fish, and so they need other tetras. Keeping a tetra alone leads to loneliness, depression, stress, appetite loss, weakening of the immune system, discoloration, and untimely death of the tetra. Even keeping a tetra alone in a community tank makes it aggressive.
Keeping a single tetra is not advisable due to many reasons. So, let’s understand why they need to be kept in groups.
Why Can’t Tetras Live Alone?
Tetras cannot live alone because they have evolved by living alongside other fish in their natural environment.
In the wild, you will always see hundreds of tetras staying together for protection against potential predators.
So, tetras cannot deviate from their natural behavior just because we wish to keep them alone in a fish tank.
Tetras are schooling fish. They prefer to school with members of their species.
Tetras thrive when kept in larger groups.
In captivity, due to space constraints or other reasons, keeping a larger group of tetras is not always possible.
However, it is crucial to keep tetras in a group of at least six or more for their optimal growth.
What Happens If A Tetra Lives Alone?
No one loves to live alone. Just like humans, aquatic creatures also love to be in groups.
So, keeping a single tetra confined in an aquarium can seriously harm it.
A single tetra may suffer from the following if it is kept alone:
- Loneliness: Tetras are great socializers because they are used to living in large groups in the wild. Hence, when you keep a single tetra, it is likely that it will feel lonely without a companion.
- Depression: Schooling fish like tetras may get depressed if kept alone. Depression in fish relates to a loss in appetite, sluggishness, and not swimming actively. Depression can be very stressful to a tetra as it impacts its immune system.
- Stress: Most of the tetras are so accustomed to living in schools that they feel stressed when kept alone. In aquatic animals, stress is more related to physiological conditions. When kept alone, tetras can experience a high level of body stress hormones. If they cannot cope with the stress, it may result in stunted growth, heart ailments, and susceptibility to diseases. In extreme cases, stress may even shorten their lifespan.
- Appetite Loss: A lonely tetra may feel anxious when it sees no one around. It may hide most of the time and refuse to eat. At times, it may even starve and become weak.
- Weakened Immunity: Loss of appetite is dangerous for fish as it weakens their immunity. A weakened tetra will be less active and may often fall sick. Inactivity and loss of appetite will make it susceptible to diseases.
- Discoloration: Stress is one of the primary reasons for the color loss in fish. If a tetra is alone, it will get stressed. Stress will result in discoloration. Its color will no longer be as bright as the other tetras that live in groups.
- Untimely Death: Being alone will not kill the tetra immediately. However, stress, loss of appetite, and depression weaken their ability to combat illness. If the same conditions continue for a prolonged duration, it will lead to the tetra’s untimely death.
Note that the above is applicable when you keep a single tetra in a tank.
However, keeping a single tetra in a community tank is also not advisable.
Though tetras are docile fish, they need to be kept in a group of their species.
Schooling fish like tetras tend to establish a pecking order.
They usually don’t bother their tank mates when they are kept in groups.
However, when they don’t find anyone of their kind, tetras may become aggressive toward their tank mates.
Can Neon Tetras Live Alone?
Neon tetras cannot live alone. They are schooling fish and prefer living in large groups in their natural environment.
The same applies in captivity as well. They enjoy the company of their school in a home aquarium.
They should always be kept in a group of 6 or more to have enough opportunities for socializing.
If you keep a single neon tetra, it will adversely affect its health.
Without a companion, neon tetra may feel nervous and miserable. Also, it will become reclusive with no interaction.
If a neon tetra is kept alone, it will lose its appetite. This will weaken its immunity.
It will become sluggish and hide all the time in the tank.
Besides, keeping a neon tetra alone means you are altering its natural habitat. It will lead to undue stress.
Excessive stress can lead to a state of depression and weaken it further.
All these factors will pile up, and the neon tetra may fall sick or die eventually.
How Long Can A Neon Tetra Live Alone?
Neon tetras cannot live alone for a long time. They are used to living in large groups in the wild.
Hence, keeping neon tetras alone is not advisable.
You may find a resilient neon tetra living alone.
It may give you the impression that it’s perfectly safe and healthy to keep a neon tetra alone. However, that’s not true.
It’s not that a single neon tetra will die instantly.
Instead, it will not be its usual self.
The otherwise active neon tetra will feel lonely and stressed in the absence of social interaction.
Also, neon tetras feel secure in a group.
Hence, when kept alone, they will not feel safe and may resort to hiding most of the time.
Due to continuous stress build-up, the immunity of the neon tetra will weaken.
It will become prone to diseases and may eventually succumb to some illness.
Can Black Skirt Tetras Live Alone?
Black skirt tetras are small freshwater fish native to Brazil, Argentina, and Bolivia.
They are mainly found in the warm waters of the river basins surrounded by dense vegetation.
Just like other tetra species, black skirt tetras are schooling fish.
In the wild, you may find hundreds or even thousands of black skirt tetras schooling together.
So, in captivity, they need to be kept in at least groups of 5.
Black skirt tetras do not prefer to live alone as they are naturally schooling fish.
If they are kept alone, they will get stressed. You may find the fish hiding all the time.
Besides, black skirt tetras may lose their appetite due to stress.
Excessive stress will make them prone to diseases. They may fall sick and eventually die.
Can Glofish Tetras Live Alone?
Glofish tetras are popular among hobbyists for their florescent colors.
They come in various bright colors that instantly liven up an aquarium.
Since glofish tetras are schooling fish, they don’t like to be kept alone.
If you keep a single glofish tetra, it will get scared.
You may find it becoming restless with no one around. Besides, it will also become lethargic.
You may find your glofish tetra refusing to eat and resorting to hiding most of the time.
All of these are a clear indication that your fish is under immense stress.
Exposure to stress for a prolonged duration will affect the glofish tetra’s immune system.
It will often fall sick and may even die.