Arowanas are a freshwater species native to tropical regions across the world.
These fish exhibit distinct physical traits and variations depending on their geographic location.
In this guide, we will explore the Asian, Green, Red, Golden, High Backed, Silver, and Albino arowanas.
We will also look at other variations like the Black arowanas from South America or Jardini arowanas from Australia.
So let’s get started.
Here are the different types of arowanas.
Asian Arowana

Asian arowana is a beautiful and highly-regarded species in Southeast Asia.
It’s known for being a symbol of good luck and prosperity. It’s one of the most sought-after fish in this region.
The Asian arowana has a variety of vibrant colors, such as green, silver, orange, and red. Their body shape is thick yet slender.
In addition to their eye-catching appearance, they are known to be expensive, with prices reaching up to $5000.
While some individuals may keep them as pets, larger tanks commonly found in public aquariums or restaurants are often the best choice to house these creatures.
The interesting thing is that there is a possibility that they share their ancestry with the Australian Jardinii arowanas.
Asian arowanas are banned in the United States due to concerns about their conservation.
However, import restrictions aren’t there for residents of Canada.
Green Arowana
Green arowana is a popular choice among exotic fish enthusiasts.
It has a silver body that shines green in certain lighting conditions, making it a stunning sight.
However, it’s important to note that these fish need great care and aren’t recommended for beginners.
The Green arowana can grow up to 3 feet long and is known for its aggressive behavior.
These rare pets have the potential to live for more than 20 years with adequate care.
They need a specific diet and can refuse food if they aren’t in the appropriate state. This increases their vulnerability to illnesses.
These fish are highly valued and can cost up to $2500.
Their scarcity increases their appeal and makes them desirable to aquarium enthusiasts.
Red Arowana

The red arowana, or Super Red arowana, is a coveted exotic freshwater fish.
It’s native to Borneo and has a striking coloration that draws attention.
These arowanas only have small red patches around their heads when they are young.
However, their scales become red from head to tail once they reach three years of age.
These fish can live for 20 years or more with proper care, making them a worthwhile investment for serious aquarists.
However, owning a Red arowana comes with great responsibility and some legal restrictions.
These endangered species can’t be legally imported into the United States without proper permits.
Additionally, these fish need large aquariums of at least 250 gallons and adequate filtration systems capable of handling their waste load.
The demand for these rare arowanas remains high despite the challenges, resulting in prices ranging from $1500 to $15000 for top-quality specimens.
Golden Arowana

The golden arowana is a freshwater fish with a stunning golden color.
Its shiny scales create a captivating sight that is difficult to ignore.
Golden arowanas need extreme care, including a clean tank, proper water conditions, good lighting, and high-quality food.
These arowanas can grow up to three feet long, making them one of the largest aquarium fish.
Despite their size, they have unique personalities and can recognize their caretakers.
They are also skilled jumpers, so proper aquarium cover is essential.
Adult Goldern arowanas are sold for prices as high as US $30000.
High Back Arowana
High Back arowana, originally from Indonesia, is famous among aquarium enthusiasts seeking exotic fish.
It’s a hybrid of the Red Tail Golden arowana and the Golden Crossback arowana.
These arowanas are highly valued in Asian culture for their resemblance to a Chinese Dragon, which is associated with good luck and prosperity.
The High Back arowana is valued for its unique cross-breeding and attractive appearance, with golden scales and red fins.
Its price can range from $500 to $2500 based on age, size, and health.
Keeping a High Back Arowana needs a significant level of commitment.
These territorial carnivores can grow up to three feet long and need a minimum tank volume of 250 gallons.
They are unsuitable to keep with other fish due to their aggressive nature.
Importing endangered species may be possible, but it’s illegal in many countries, including the United States.
So it’s advisable to avoid importing High Back arowanas.
Silver Arowana

Silver arowana is a beautiful and graceful fish.
It’s one of the largest and most peaceful types of Arowana that can grow up to 3.5 feet long.
Its metallic silver scales shine in the light, and its bony lower jaw gives it a unique appearance.
These fish are known as “Monkey Fish” due to their unique ability to jump out of the water to catch prey on tree branches.
In aquariums, they need a lot of space and a variety of plants and hiding places.
Silver arowanas are relatively inexpensive compared to other arowana species, despite their large size and attractive appearance.
The prices for silver arowanas can vary from $20 to $1000, depending on the size and quality.
They have a relatively long lifespan of up to 15 years.
Albino Arowanas

The Albino arowana has pearly white scales that shimmer in the light. They are unique and make a great addition to any aquarium.
The Albino arowana is a variety of silver arowana that’s difficult to find in the wild.
Albino silver arowanas are bred exclusively in captivity by specialized breeders using cross-breeding techniques to achieve the Albina color.
These two fish have comparable living requirements.
Both of them need a lot of space and robust filtration because of their size and aggressive behavior.
The Albino arowana has distinct physical characteristics due to a genetic mutation that results in a consistent white coloration caused by a lack of pigment.
These arowanas can jump out of the water. So a covered tank is necessary for their safety.
Black Arowana
Black arowana inhabits the Negro River basin in South America.
It’s sought after by aquarium collectors for its unique blackish coloring during its juvenile phase.
As these fish mature, their black color changes to metallic silver with blue fins.
It should be mentioned that some adults may still have black color on their fins.
Although visually appealing, they display territorial aggression toward other tank mates, particularly those of their own species.
These arowanas aren’t fussy eaters and will consume various foods.
Black arowanas aren’t as easily caught in the wild as the other types of arowanas.
However, they can live up to 20 years in captivity with proper care.
Due to their rarity, they are priced between US$250 to $2000, depending on their size and grade.
Jardini Arowana
The Scleropages jardinii, also known as Jardini arowana or Water Monkey, is a species of arowanas from Australia.
Jardini arowanas are popular in aquarium communities because of their metallic bodies and reddish-pink scales that resemble jewels.
These fish can live comfortably only in tanks larger than 180 gallons, and that too if they are given proper care.
Despite their small size, these arowanas can behave aggressively toward other fish.
So it’s vital to do thorough research before introducing any potential tank mates in their tank.
Maintain ideal water parameters and conduct weekly water changes to ensure the health and longevity of Jardini Arowanas.
Jardini arowanas can live for up to 20 years in captivity.
African Arowana
The African arowana has distinctive physical features such as long dorsal and anal fins, olive-green coloring, and a unique round-shaped head that sets it apart from other arowana species.
This species is typically found in the Nile River Basins, Chad, and Lake Turkana.
In captivity, they can grow up to 3.3 feet in length, making them one of the largest freshwater fish.
Keeping them as pets needs advanced skills in handling large fish. This makes it a challenging task for most aquarists.
The feeding habits of young African arowanas differ from other juvenile fish because they prefer meaty food like insects, crustaceans, or mollusks.
As adults, they switch to an omnivorous diet by scavenging decaying matter at lake bottoms.
The price of purchasing an African arowana for your aquarium varies from $50 to $2000, depending on its age, health, and size.
Batik Arowana
Check out what batik arowana look like over here.
Batik arowana, also known as Myanmar arowana, is a freshwater fish found in the Tanintharyl River in Myanmar.
It’s gaining popularity among fish enthusiasts due to its unique appearance that resembles a tattoo.
The arowana’s distinct appearance with batiked scales creates a unique and captivating effect.
Batik arowanas can grow up to 35 inches long and live for up to 20 years with proper care.
Their diet includes insects, crustaceans, and small fish, while their ideal water temperature ranges from 78°F to 82°F.
Provide sufficient swimming space by keeping them in larger aquariums to replicate their natural habitat.
The Batik Arowana is a highly-priced freshwater fish, often considered one of the most expensive in the world.
Spotted Arowana
The spotted arowana is a type of arowana found in Southern Saratoga. It has a unique appearance, resembling paint splatters.
This Australian arowana hasn’t been thoroughly studied, but its characteristics intrigue aquarium enthusiasts.
Spotted arowanas are distinguishable from other arowanas because of their rounder bodies and pinkish hue.
They can reach a length of 1.5 feet and weigh more due to their less slender build.
Seeing this beautiful fish swimming in an aquarium is quite a sight.
The spotted arowana can live for up to ten years with proper care, which involves maintaining consistent water parameters and sufficient swimming space.
Their prices range from US$300 and more, depending on the purchase location.
Platinum Arowana
The platinum arowana is a highly valued and rare Asian arowana mutation with distinctive characteristics.
It’s a popular choice among collectors and aquarists, making it one of the most expensive fish worldwide.
This arowana’s distinct white dragon-like appearance is believed to bring luck to homes and businesses.
However, it’s an expensive fish, with prices reaching thousands of dollars, making it a status symbol in certain circles.
However, caring for this exotic fish can be an enriching experience despite the cost.
With proper care and attention, they can grow up to three feet long and live up to twenty years in captivity.