Some fish are selectively bred to be green, while others are naturally green.
Given below are the fish that are green in color.
Green Betta

Green bettas are rare and not found easily in an aquarium shop. They are usually solid green but can also be in a turquoise shade.
Like other betta species, green bettas are small fish, reaching up to 3 inches in length.
They are solitary creatures and like to live alone.
However, you can house them in community aquariums with enough space for all the fish to claim their territory.
Green bettas need a protein-rich diet for enhanced coloration, optimal growth, and increased lifespan.
You can feed them high-quality commercial flakes and pellets containing protein as the main ingredient.
In addition, live or frozen food such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, micro worms, daphnia, mosquito larva, and other meaty foods are also suitable for green bettas.
Green Tiger Barb

Green tiger barbs are popular among aquarists for their striking coloration, easy care, and playful nature.
They have round bodies with pointed heads and high backs.
These fish come in either deep fluorescent green or metallic blue-green color.
Green barbs are fast swimmers and active fish. They need to be kept in a sizeable group to curb their aggression.
Though playful, they are semi-aggressive and can nip at slow-moving and docile fish.
Hence, you must choose their tankmates carefully while housing them in community aquariums.
As an omnivorous species, green tiger barbs need to be fed a varied diet consisting of flakes and frozen and live foods.
Emerald Green Cory Catfish

Emerald green cory catfish are found in South America. They primarily inhabit streams and rivers with mild currents.
These fish have green bodies with yellow or pink markings on their lower bodies.
They are favorites among aquarists for community aquariums due to their tiny size, beautiful coloration, and docile nature.
In captivity, you can feed them a varied diet comprising of sinking dried foods and live and frozen meaty foods.
Avoid coarse gravel because it can damage their bristly scales.
A sandy substrate with lots of hiding places and dense vegetation is ideal.
Green Terror Cichlid

Green Terror Cichlids stand out from other cichlids due to their bright colors and bold patterns.
These fish change their color as they mature.
Young green terror cichlids have a silvery-blue hue. This color usually deepens to metallic green as they age.
Green terror cichlids are free swimmers that need plenty of room to roam.
Hence, a large tank with ample space, sandy substrate, plants, rocks, driftwood, and plenty of hiding spots is recommended to house these beauties.
Also, a diet rich in proteins is essential for their optimal growth.
Green Sunfish

Green sunfish were initially found only east of the Rocky Mountains and central plains west of the Appalachia mountains.
However, they are now widely distributed in the United States, except in parts of northwest and Florida.
These fish mainly inhabit smaller ponds, rivers, and streams.
However, their ability to withstand a wide range of environmental conditions helps them survive in prairie streams where conditions aren’t stable.
Green sunfish are omnivorous and feed on aquatic insects and small fish in their natural environment.
Green Spotted Puffer

Green spotted puffers are found in Southeast Asia.
They inhabit freshwater and brackish rivers, lagoons, floodplains, streams, and estuaries.
These fish are popular for their unique appearance.
Their back has a beautiful, contrasting green color that stands out against their white abdomen.
These fish start their lives in freshwater and migrate to marine or brackish waters as adults.
They need a brackish environment if kept in captivity.
Green spotted puffers are highly aggressive toward other fish. Hence, they are best suited if kept alone.
Also, they don’t like typical tropical fish food.
Live and frozen foods such as bloodworms, ghost shrimp, krills, and other meaty foods are ideal for their optimum growth.
Green Chromide

Green chromide fish are species belonging to the cichlid family.
They are native to the fresh and brackish waters of Sri Lanka and some parts of India, such as Goa, Kerala, and Chilika lake in Odisha.
Green chromides are grey-green in color. Adults are oval-shaped with a short snout and a dark spot at the pectoral fin’s base.
These fish feed on aquatic plants, including diatoms and filamentous algae in the wild.
They also occasionally consume mollusk and other animal matter.
Green Humphead Parrotfish

Green humphead parrotfish is one of the largest herbivorous parrotfish species.
It’s the only species belonging to the Bolbometopon genus.
These fish inhabit the Indo-Pacific region and the Red Sea. They swim in small groups.
Green humphead parrotfish can live a long life, reaching up to 40 years.
They can grow to more than 1 meter in length and weigh as much as 154 pounds.
They have large mouths with sharp fused teeth that they use as a beak to break hard corals, which is their primary diet.
Another unique feature of these fish is that they change color gradually from greyish brown to greenish blue during their lifetime.
Electric Green Glofish Tetra

Electric green glofish tetras are genetically altered to be fluorescent green.
They are small fish, reaching a maximum of 2.5 inches in length.
These fish can be found in the Guapore basins of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Bolivia.
They inhabit rivers, creeks, streams, and tributaries with dense vegetation.
Electric green glofish tetras are an excellent choice for aquarists who want to start with colorful, easy-to-care-for fish that don’t need much maintenance.
These fish are peaceful and can be kept in a group of 6 or more in community aquariums with fish of similar size and temperament.
Electric green glofish tetras are omnivores and feed on small worms, insects, and crustaceans in their natural environment.
In captivity, you can feed them a varied diet consisting of packaged food and live and frozen food, such as bloodworms, daphnia, brine shrimp, mosquito larvae, and other invertebrates.
Electric Green Danio Glofish

Electric green danio glofish has been genetically modified to have a fluorescent green color.
These fish have laterally compressed bodies with stripes along their sides.
Electric green danio glofish are tiny fish reaching around 2 inches in length.
They are suited to community aquariums and thrive best when kept in groups of 5 or more.
They prefer a sandy substrate with mild current and ample space to swim freely in the tank.
A diet consisting of flakes, pellets, and live and frozen food is recommended for these fish.