Goldfish and GloFish should not live together for a number of reasons:
- Goldfish need cooler water temperatures while GloFish are tropical fishes,
- Larger Goldfish tend to eat smaller GloFishes,
- Both fishes have different diets.
The idea of grouping all your fish together sounds nice, but there are a lot more factors that should be considered before doing so. Pairing your fish with other compatible fish, appropriate tank size, and correct water temperature is crucial to your fish’s health.
Why Should You Not Keep Goldfish and GloFish Together?
While it may seem tempting to house them together, Goldfish and GloFish are not suited to the same environments as one another.
Both species of fish are great beginner fish, and choosing one or the other is largely dependent on what type of tank you would want, but putting both of these beginner fish together would be a mistake.
Here are two main reasons why you should not keep Goldfish and GloFish together…
1. Temperature Difference
Goldfish are coldwater fish, and GloFish are tropical fish.
Therefore, Goldfish prefer their water colder than GloFish.
You would not be able to house both of these fish in the same tank without one of them being unhappy with the water temperature.
Similarly, GloFish are more particular about their water conditions than Goldfish, so there is more work that goes into providing the proper water conditions for a GloFish colony.
2. Fish Tank Size Differences
Also, Goldfish need a much larger tank than is necessary for a GloFish.
While both Goldfish and GloFish are omnivores, their diets are very different.
Goldfish are also a little bit more aggressive, so they are likely to attack or even eat GloFish if they were housed together.
It is because of these reasons that Goldfish and GloFish are not suited to live with one another.
This does not mean they cannot live with other fish, just that they can’t live with each other.
For you to make an informed decision, I have listed below the necessary conditions of each fish along with fish that you can house with each one.
Goldfish Living Conditions
Goldfish are some of the most bought, and least cared for in the pet care industry.
There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding Goldfish, including their lifespan and tank requirements.
Surprisingly, most Goldfish can actually live 15+ years and can grow to be 12 inches long, and some even grow to be bigger.
Water Temperature
Goldfish are fresh, cold-water fish.
This means that Goldfish are their healthiest and liveliest in water that is about 65.0 to 72.0° F (18.3 to 22.2° C) and contains no salt.
While many Goldfish can live in water above or below this temperature range, it is not ideal, and they have an increased likelihood of dying early.
The room temperature water is what makes Goldfish so appealing to many first-time fish owners.
The reason being that they do not require an additional water heater as most fish do.
This cuts down on the added costs of purchasing a fish, but for many people living in colder temperatures, you may still want to invest in a heater, just in case.
Water Conditions
Goldfish are very sturdy fish and are not particular about the water quality; therefore, as long as you are taking the proper care and precautions before placing them in a tank, they will be good for a long time.
You should always add a water conditioner to any water you add to their tank and make sure that there are no heavy metals that can hurt your Goldfish.
Otherwise, make sure they are in the proper water temperature, and that they are not with fish who will compete with them over food.
Tank Size
While starting out, Goldfish can thrive in a 20-gallon tank.
What many people do not realize when they purchase a Goldfish is that an average Goldfish can grow to be about 4-8 inches in length, with some larger ones growing to 12 inches.
They also can reach a pound in weight, and some even reach two pounds. Though Goldfish start out small, they grow quickly.
That is why it is ideal to start a Goldfish out in a 20-gallon tank.
This gives you time to save up for a bigger tank, and it gives the Goldfish time to grow a little bit before moving into a bigger home.
Goldfish, in the wild, are foragers.
This means they forage for their food on the bottom of their environment and are continually looking for food.
It is incredibly easy to over-feed your Goldfish because they will keep eating, sometimes even eating themselves to death.
Feeding your Goldfish at the same time every day and giving them a little amount of food will prevent them from over-eating and will also prevent the tank from getting too dirty.
The best diet for a Goldfish is specific Goldfish formula flakes or pellets.
Goldfish are omnivores. They like to eat both plants and meat, that is why it is not ideal to house them with GloFish.
Once the Goldfish grow larger, the GloFish start to look like a tasty treat, and they may just eat the smaller GloFish if they are getting hungry.
What Fish Can You House With Goldfish?
The best fish to house with your Goldfish are either other Goldfish, Rosy Barbs, or Rubbernose Plecos.
- Other Goldfish: As long as these Goldfish are the same type and size as your other Goldfish, this is probably your best option to house your Goldfish with. They require the same diet, water conditions, and size,
- Rosy Barbs: Due to their similar tank conditions, rosy barbs make a great housing option. If you do decide to go with Rosy Barbs, make sure that you get 3 or more as they are schooling fish and can become anxious if they are by themselves.
- Rubbernose Pleco: A Rubbernose Pleco needs the same conditions as a Goldfish, and they are a great addition to your tank since they are bottom feeders. They can help to clean the tank. They are also large enough to not look like food to the Goldfish, and they are docile enough to not cause a fight with the Goldfish.
GloFish Living Conditions
GloFish are genetically engineered fish that are fluorescent colored.
They are typically found in tanks that are black-lit so that their fluorescent coloring can really shine.
These fish are not any specific breed of fish; in fact, most of these fish are just normal fish such as Tetras, Danios, and Barbs that have been genetically engineered to be fluorescent.
However, because of genetic engineering, they have specific conditions that they need in their environment.
Water Temperature
GloFish are tropical fish. This means that they prefer warmer temperatures in their tanks to thrive and live as long as they can.
The ideal water temperature for a GloFish is 72 to 80°F (22 to 27°C).
This means that in order to keep their tank at the necessary temperature, you will need to purchase a water heater and a thermometer.
Each of these can easily be installed into the tank, and the thermometer can be placed in an easy-to-read location so that you can ensure that the heater is working properly.
Water Conditions
In their natural environments, GloFish have running water and specific water quality they like.
In order to maintain these water conditions, you will have to purchase a filter and a water conditioner for your GloFish.
A water filter added to your tank will ensure that there is constant water flow and also helps to filter out the gross particles in the water and keep your tank clean.
In addition, a GloFish water conditioner should be added to any water you add to their tank as it helps to maintain a certain chemical makeup that ensures your GloFish are as bright as they can be.
Tank Size
Just like normal Danios, Tetras, and Barbs, GloFish require a minimum tank size of 20 gallons.
However, tank size is predominantly dependent on how many fish you would like in your tank.
A good rule of thumb is to provide 3 gallons of tank space per fish.
GloFish are schooling fish, and so they thrive in an environment with 5 or more fish of the same species.
This means that if you are purchasing a 20-gallon tank, you should be getting at least 5-6 fish, all of one species.
Therefore, if you want 5 Tetras and 5 Danios, then you should be purchasing a 30-gallon tank.
GloFish are also omnivores, so they also like to have a diet of plants and meat.
There are GloFish pellets and flakes that you can find in pet stores that have a good balance of all the necessary nutrients a GloFish would need.
In addition, it is a good idea to make sure that their diet contains beta carotene, as this makes them vibrant and colorful.
What Fish Can You House With GloFish?
The best fish to house with GloFish are other GloFish, other Barbs, and other Danios.
- Other GloFish: Each of the GloFish species is well-suited to one another. Therefore, you can have an entire tank full of different types of GloFish, and they will all be able to thrive together.
- Barbs and Danios: Because GloFish are simply a genetic modification of ‘normal’ fish, the best housemates for GloFish are their ‘normal’ predecessors. These fish require the same habitat and diet as GloFish, so they can all thrive in the same environment together with no problems.
Now that you know a little bit more about Goldfish and GloFish, it is easy to see why they are not suited to live in the same tank.
Both of these fish need completely different water conditions, water temperatures, and diets. So they cannot live together.
Hopefully, you were able to find a proper housemate for your fish, and learned something along the way!