Most snails tolerate aquarium salt in small doses. However, generous amounts of aquarium salt causes osmotic action to suck out water from their bodies. It’s even fatal to them. So, aquarium salt should be added in moderation to an aquarium with snails. Excess aquarium salt harms the snails.
Let’s now see how aquarium salt affects snails.
How Does Aquarium Salt Work?
To understand how aquarium salt helps fish, we should first look at what osmosis is.
In simple terms, it is the movement of fluid through a membrane from an area of stronger salt concentration to an area of weaker salt concentration.
Let us look at how this concept helps in the treatment of common fish infections.
As you may already know, pathogens like bacteria, fungi, and other tiny microorganisms cause various diseases in fish.
These organisms are much smaller than the host fish.
When you add salt to an aquarium, the water salinity increases.
The higher salt concentration of the aquarium water will suck water out of the pathogens.
Thus, they become dehydrated and die. Once the pathogens die, the fish recover and regain their health.
Now, you may wonder why the fish are not affected by aquarium salt.
It is because the fish have greater mass and they store more water. Unless you use large amounts of salt, it will not affect the fish like bettas.
Nonetheless, it is not advisable to use aquarium salt all the time.
Use it as a targeted solution and in the right concentration for maximum effectiveness.
Now, let us look at how aquarium salt affects smaller tank inmates like snails.
Effect Of Aquarium Salt On Snails
Do you know why snails are very sensitive to salt, whereas fish aren’t?
It has to do with their skin. Snails have very thin, permeable skin.
When it comes near salt or saltwater, osmosis causes rapid loss of water through the skin.
It even leads to a condition where the snail becomes dehydrated and dies.
In the case of aquatic snails, many varieties tend to breed profusely and overpopulate a tank.
They can become a menace, which is why many tank owners prefer to keep them out of their aquariums.
Live plants can carry snails or snail eggs, and it is how they can enter a tank.
To prevent this, fish tank owners often use a salt dip for new plants.
This may make you wonder if adding aquarium salt can help you with an existing snail infestation in your tank.
Interestingly, it is not as simple as that.
Although snails are vulnerable to salt, they do not just end up dying in salty water.
The impact depends on the concentration of salt in the water and the type of snail.
Some snails are more resilient than others and tolerate higher salinity. Others shrivel up and die.
So, let us look at the most common types of aquatic snails and how aquarium salt affects them.
Can Aquarium Salt Kill Mystery Snails?
Mystery snails are one of the most popular freshwater aquarium snails.
These peaceful creatures look beautiful and do a good job of cleaning up the tank.
They get along with most types of fish and adapt to most living conditions.
Mystery snails do not tolerate aquarium salt very well. They may not die if the salt concentration is low.
However, if you accidentally overdose, it could mean the end of these beautiful creatures.
So, separate the mystery snails from the tank if you have to apply aquarium salt to the tank.
Now, if you are worried about mystery snails taking over your tank, there is a simple solution.
Keep the water level of your aquarium just below the lid to prevent female snails from laying eggs.
Additionally, mystery snail eggs take 2 to 4 weeks to hatch. So, you have enough time to spot it and remove it from the tank.
You will not have to resort to measures like using salt to get rid of these creatures.
Can Aquarium Salt Kill Nerite Snails?
Nerite snails are very popular in aquariums because of their delightful colors and patterns.
They are also algae eaters that keep the tank clean.
These snails are very peaceful creatures and get along with fish and other peaceful inhabitants in community aquariums.
In the wild, you can find nerite snails in brackish or semi-salty water.
This means they tolerate saline water better than other freshwater varieties.
Nerite snails will, in fact, breed only in saltwater.
So, your nerite snails will be fine if you add aquarium salt to your tank. They can live in full saltwater.
Hence, you will not have to separate your nerite snails if you decide to treat the fish in your aquarium to salt.
Can Aquarium Salt Kill Pond Snails?
Pond snails are generally tough and resilient animals. However, they belong to freshwater environments.
So, increasing the salinity level of the surrounding water will irritate these creatures.
Aquarium salt dehydrates freshwater snails even if they are in the water.
Although pond snails tolerate small increases in salinity, they will be adversely affected at higher concentrations.
The problem with pond snails is that they are hardy and quickly overpopulate.
They tend to become a menace and overwhelm a tank.
Unless you are concerned about their well-being, you need not move them to another tank while adding salt to your aquarium.
Can Aquarium Salt Kill Ramshorn Snails?
Ramshorn snails have attractive, brightly colored, coiled shells.
While they look beautiful, they are a headache for fish tank owners as they breed profusely.
Since ramshorn snails are hermaphrodites, even a single animal can reproduce.
The snail lays eggs on the tank walls, plant leaves, and other surfaces within its reach.
Ramshorn snails are freshwater snails. However, they can survive in brackish water.
Although it is not their natural habitat, they may be able to tolerate it.
So, increasing the salinity of the tank by adding aquarium salt will not affect them too much.
They will most likely survive and be unaffected.
Once again, the effect will depend on the dosage of aquarium salt. Overdosing has detrimental effects on these species too.
The Alternative To Adding Aquarium Salt To Your Tank
If you have aquatic pets or plants that are very sensitive to aquarium salt, you will be exposing them to great risk when you add aquarium salt to your tank.
However, you may have to find a way to treat the fish that are affected by eco-parasites.
In such a scenario, a salt dip is a practical and better solution.
It gives you the option to treat the sick fish without affecting the other inmates of the tank.
Prepare a salt dip by mixing the recommended quantity of salt with water from the aquarium in a separate bucket.
After the salt fully dissolves, place your fish in the bucket. Leave it there for five to thirty minutes.
Look out for signs of distress during this duration. It will give enough time for the salt to kill the parasites.
Return the fish to the tank or put it in a quarantine container after the salt dip.